Flew out to Mekele yesterday to visit Haben's home town. Absolutely amazing day!!!! William and In had the best experiences and loved it. We started our day heading to the care center, the orphanage where Haben was previously. We we shocked
to find a welcome party, singing for us from the kiddos, signs that said "Welcome Jeanie & William," and pictures of Haben on the walls. The kids were all precious and such a treat to visit with. The nannies even served us lunch. We learned
that Haben had a favorite Nanny at this place as well.

William was amazing! He jumped right in and wanted to help with donations. He asked what they needed and made it his mission of the day to get those items.
They needed new mattresses and sheets. He also couldn't resist buying something for the oldest boy in the orphanage who was very down that day. The staff told us it's hard for the children sometime when families come but aren't the family
that is taking them home.

Heading out for some shopping with our driver, our tour guide who works with the agency, and the orphanage social worker, we found a shop and bought six mattresses and then we headed
to a fabric store to buy the sheets. We found a sports store and got a soccer ball for the older boy who was sad. William couldn't wait to bring it back for him. Amidst our travels, we ironically stumbled across a Dental Office that the door read,
"Haben Clinic." Crazy!!!!

The main purpose of our visit was to see Haben's home town Adigidom, so we headed about 40 minutes north to see it. This was such an amazing part of the trip. We felt
like it was a scene in biblical times. The homes were all huts made out of straw or rocks. We saw babies in the street without clothes. Haben was one of these babies abandoned on the strettes last Fall. It is quite remarkable to see where he once was
and the contrast of where he is going. Our eyes were amazed and saddened to see it all.

Our hotel was nice and the restaurant was great. We enjoyed our final quiet evening and couldn't stop talking about

Posted on April 12, 2011

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